Postmodernā literatūra ir pazīstama ar novirzīšanos no klasiskajām naratoloģiskajām konvencijām, un Marka Z. Daņiļevska romāns “Lapu nams” ir uzskatāms par būtisku postmodernās literatūras paraugu. Romānā savijas pieci romāna vēstījuma līmeņi, kopā veidojot neparastu kompozīciju, jo pašu vēstītāju perspektīvas ir atšķīrīgas un bieži vien - pretrunīgas. Šajā maģistra darbā tiek pētīts tas, kā neuzticamā vēstījuma koncepts sasaistāms ar pseidovēstures konstruktu un kā šie abi elementi kopā ietekmē “Lapu nama” naratīvu. Maģistra darbā tiek analizēti un interpretēti vēstījuma līmeņi romānā, kā arī tiek identificēti pseidovēsturiskā vēstījuma elementi, lai izdarītu secinājumus par abu konceptu savietojamību daiļliteratūrā.Postmodern literature i...
El cuento de la casa encantada aparece de forma recurrente a lo largo de narrativas fantásticas y de...
In many respects Vladimir Nabokov's 1962 novel Pale Fire and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves, ...
This thesis discusses the narration types in four literary proses of modern Czech female writers. Th...
Rad analizira roman "House of Leaves" Marka Z. Danielewskog u kontekstu postmodernističkih trendova ...
Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves has succeeded in placing itself between the two traditionally ...
Mark Z. Danielewski’s debut 2000 novel House of Leaves is written in part as an essay titled The Nav...
Mark Z. Danielewski’s avant-garde novel House of Leaves occupies a liminal space in the world of the...
This paper’s aim is to present Mark Danielewski’s highly acclaimed first novel, House of Leaves, by ...
In his debut novel, House of Leaves (2000, Mark Danielewski created a unique work of art, incorporat...
El relato de casas encantadas aparece de forma recurrente en las narrativas fantástica y de terror. ...
Cet article étudie l’expérience particulière du chaos que propose Mark Z. Danielewski dans "House of...
Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves and David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas both feature highly complex s...
This paper examines the spatial model of a house as a labyrinth in Mark Z. Danielewski’s experimenta...
The thesis presents an argument that through employing metafictional techniques, experimentation wit...
Mark Z. Danielewski extends his critique of reliability – to the “destabilization” of “center” and “...
El cuento de la casa encantada aparece de forma recurrente a lo largo de narrativas fantásticas y de...
In many respects Vladimir Nabokov's 1962 novel Pale Fire and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves, ...
This thesis discusses the narration types in four literary proses of modern Czech female writers. Th...
Rad analizira roman "House of Leaves" Marka Z. Danielewskog u kontekstu postmodernističkih trendova ...
Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves has succeeded in placing itself between the two traditionally ...
Mark Z. Danielewski’s debut 2000 novel House of Leaves is written in part as an essay titled The Nav...
Mark Z. Danielewski’s avant-garde novel House of Leaves occupies a liminal space in the world of the...
This paper’s aim is to present Mark Danielewski’s highly acclaimed first novel, House of Leaves, by ...
In his debut novel, House of Leaves (2000, Mark Danielewski created a unique work of art, incorporat...
El relato de casas encantadas aparece de forma recurrente en las narrativas fantástica y de terror. ...
Cet article étudie l’expérience particulière du chaos que propose Mark Z. Danielewski dans "House of...
Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves and David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas both feature highly complex s...
This paper examines the spatial model of a house as a labyrinth in Mark Z. Danielewski’s experimenta...
The thesis presents an argument that through employing metafictional techniques, experimentation wit...
Mark Z. Danielewski extends his critique of reliability – to the “destabilization” of “center” and “...
El cuento de la casa encantada aparece de forma recurrente a lo largo de narrativas fantásticas y de...
In many respects Vladimir Nabokov's 1962 novel Pale Fire and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves, ...
This thesis discusses the narration types in four literary proses of modern Czech female writers. Th...